Vol. 7 No. 14 (2024): The Making of Community Utopia: Doubts, Certainties, and Imaginaries When Building the Future

					View Vol. 7 No. 14 (2024): The Making of Community Utopia: Doubts, Certainties, and Imaginaries When Building the Future

 Issue 14 of Encartes dedicates the central dossier to the thematic section with a central theme in the interest and vocation of Mexican anthropology entitled: The making of community utopia. Doubts, certainties and imaginaries in the construction of the future.

            Indigenous communitarianisms are not only remnants of the past and tradition. From them emanate models to face the contemporary world offering alternatives of social organization that offer communitarianisms, self-sustainable models in the face of the environmental crisis generated by capitalist extractivism, revolutionary projects, avant-garde artistic and literary expressions. As Mary Louis Pratt mentioned some decades ago, “The inability of neoliberalism to generate belonging, collectivity and a credible sense of future produces, among other things, enormous crises of existence and meanings that are being experienced by the non-consumerists and consumerists of the world in ways that neoliberal ideology can neither predict nor control.  On the other hand, from seemingly insignificant or marginal places emerge “the inscrutable agents of a future whose contours we do not know” (Pratt 2007: 29). In this sense, attending to the utopias that are being generated from indigenous communities seems not only tempting but relevant.



Pratt, Mary Louise (2007). Globalization, demodernization and the return of the monsters. Revista de Historia, (156), 13-29.

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Published: 2024-09-20

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