Security Strategies by Women From Working-Class Sectors in the Urban Periphery of La Plata




feeling of insecurity, fear of crime,, uncertainty, security practices, La Plata


The aim of this article is to analyze the security strategies of working-class women in La Plata, Argentina. The hypothesis guiding it is that the innovation and routinization of strategies, understood as rituals of everyday life that make it possible to continue and to project a dimension of the future, become crucial for the autonomy of women. The analysis is based on information gathered through observation and semi-structured interviews from women from peripheral settlements of the municipal area of La Plata. Results show that the strategies give everyday life a particular dose of certainty and colonization of the future, but which mainly deploy practices of avoidance and self-restriction in the use of the urban space. In addition, these strategies are mediated by their own and other women’s previous experiences.


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Author Biography

  • Gimena Bertoni, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - Ciudad de México

    Gimena Bertoni is a doctoral candidate in Social Sciences at the flaccid-Mexico Branch. M.A. in Social Sciences from the flaccid-She holds a degree in Sociology from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. She is a member of the Argentine Association for Research in Women's History and Gender Studies (aaihmeg). She is a member of the Study Group on Violence, Justice and Human Rights of the Center for Social and Political Studies of the National University of Mar del Plata, Argentina; and participant of the Project "Security Forces, Vulnerability and Violence in the Context of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic". covid-19" of the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation of Argentina.


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How to Cite

Security Strategies by Women From Working-Class Sectors in the Urban Periphery of La Plata. (2022). Encartes, 5(10), 125-154.