Śiva: Nothing About Him Fades, It Just Transforms.

Visual Anthropology of Urban Mythological Art





Śiva, mythology, Hinduism, rites, India, anthropology, visual anthropology


This essay aims to show, using unique images, the way in which myths, in one of their multiple expressive ramifications, materialize into a narrative in what we call plastic expressions of the good traveler. Its minimal units operate with signifiers built on multiple objects that lead the traveler to meanings linked to the beings of the universal gestation. In order to prove our plastic hypothesis, we provide an example of the mythological complex related to Śiva, one of the most important deities of Indian cosmogony, by referring to diverse manifestations and presences of this god in the colorful streets of India.



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Author Biographies

  • Arturo Humberto Gutiérrez del Ángel, El Colegio de San Luis

    Arturo Gutierrez del Angel is professor-researcher of the Anthropological Studies Program at El Colegio de San Luis. Member of the National System of Researchers since 2008. His research has revolved around mythology, religions and rituals. She has specialized in visual anthropology, particularly in the relationship between photography, plastic and cultural expressions. He has worked with groups from western and northern Mexico, such as the Wixaritari and the Na'ayari. He has published five books as author and six books as co-author, in addition to publications in national and international magazines. He has exhibited his photographic work in museums and galleries, and has 20 exhibitions of photographs, including those related to Asia, The instant of the glance: five Asian countries.orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2974-1991

  • Greta Alvarado Lugo, El Colegio de San Luis

    Greta alvarado lugo is a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Member of the Latin American and Caribbean Network on China. Doctoral candidate in Anthropological Studies at El Colegio de San Luis, Mexico (2018-ongoing). Master's degree and Specialist in Indian Art at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Diploma in Asia, Universidad del Chaco Austral, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Śiva: Nothing About Him Fades, It Just Transforms.: Visual Anthropology of Urban Mythological Art. (2021). Encartes, 4(7), 306-321. https://doi.org/10.29340/en.v4n7.214