Peer review process

Once the original document is received, it will go through: 1) a plagiarism detection program; 2) a pertinence reading performed by one of the members of the Editorial Coordination Team; 3) it will be sent to two reviewers, preferably specialists external to the publishing institutions, guaranteeing confidentiality and anonymity to be governed under the procedure known as double-blind. In case of controversy between the two opinions, a third evaluation will be requested. Authors will be informed of the results of the review within a period of less than six months; if an article was not accepted, the author will be informed of the reasons for this decision.

The result of each of the evaluations can be: 1) rejected; 2) acceptance subject to major changes; 3) acceptance subject to minor changes; 4) accepted without changes.

Upon approval of the article, the author must sign a letter of assignment of proprietary rights over his or her work in which he or she authorizes Encartes to disseminate it electronically.

Articles will be published within one year of acceptance.