Making and Unmaking Community Utopias: The Dreams and Disillusions of Autonomy




everyday utopias, certainties, fragmentation, autonomy, community


The aim of this article is to discuss the practices, rules, hopes, and setbacks associated with building community autonomy in San Isidro de la Libertad, Chiapas, based on my own ethnographic experience and that of three young community members. Certain local practices lend political power to the project of autonomy, including milpa farming, saint celebrations, citizen assemblies, and shared family meals. The redefinition of these practices in a collective narrative of the past, present, and future of the town is an ongoing process that I refer to as the “utopianizing of traditional life.” These practices, in turn, give shape to the ideal subject of the community utopia, one who embodies hope but also reflects, provokes, and comes from multiple fragmentations.


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Author Biography

  • Delázkar Rizo Gutiérrez, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo – Sede Chiapas

    Delázkar Noel Rizo Gutiérrez. Nicaraguan. PhD in Social Anthropology by CIESAS-Southeast (2019). Assigned to the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Chiapas. SNI candidate; postdoctoral fellow by UNAM (2020-2022); postdoctoral fellow by CONAHCYT (2022-2024). Lines of interest: ethnography, futures, utopias, environmental narratives; temporalities, ethics, humor. Member of working groups and seminars: Network of studies on communities, utopias and futures (RIOCOMUN), Working Group of the Latin American Association of Anthropology; Seminar on Anthropology of outer space; Working Group on humor, laughter and hierarchies.


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How to Cite

Making and Unmaking Community Utopias: The Dreams and Disillusions of Autonomy. (2024). Encartes, 7(14), 129-152.