Learning to Accompany Mexico’s Amateur Digital Athletes:

Elements for Analyzing the Presence and Construction of a Tech-Mediated Field





digital ethnography, videogames, digital culture, value, sports


In this article, a digital ethnography is adapted for fieldwork with amateur and semi-professional digital athletes in Mexico. Although much has been written about research mediated by digital technologies, most of this literature is in English, with few cases that enable reflection on the situations and experiences of Mexican users. The article takes up the issue of putting one’s body on the line and building a presence in the construction of the ethnographic field. One of the hypotheses that guided the research was that, in the process of becoming a digital athlete, the notion of value is associated with the way in which failure is redefined in the learning curve that Mexican players face.


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Author Biography

  • Iván Flores, Universidad Iberoamericana - Puebla

    PHD. in Anthropological Sciences from UAM-Iztapalapa. Professor at the Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla and at the School of Humanities and Education of the Tec de Monterrey. Interested in the study of digital cultures, technological appropriations and the presence of technologies in everyday life. My work has addressed the problem of digitally mediated methodologies, especially in the case of ethnography, as well as in the process of construction of objects and theoretical frameworks for social research.


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How to Cite

Learning to Accompany Mexico’s Amateur Digital Athletes:: Elements for Analyzing the Presence and Construction of a Tech-Mediated Field. (2024). Encartes, 7(14), 153-171. https://doi.org/10.29340/en.v7n14.355