Beyond decoloniality: a discussion of some key concepts




decoloniality, race, indigenous movements, affirmative action, other epistemologies, cultural mixing, interculturality


The objective of this essay is to review some key concepts in order to engage in a discussion between the theoretical proposals of decoloaniality and universalism. To this end, the author takes up some empirical cases to exemplify and support his thesis based on the fact that indigenous and Afro-descendant movements are as important as democratizing movements within and outside their fields of action.


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Author Biography

  • David Lehmann, University of Cambridge

    David Lehmann is Emeritus Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Cambridge where he was Director of the Centre for Latin American Studies (1990-2000, 2010-11). He began his career as a Latin Americanist in Chile with agrarian reform and peasant movements, and in Ecuador with peasant economies; since 1986, he has devoted himself to the sciences of religion, multiculturalism and interculturalism, leading most recently to After the Decolonial: Ethnicity, Gender and Social Justice in Latin America (2022) whose argument is summarized in this article. He is the author of Democracy and development in Latin America: Economics, Politics and Religion in the Post-war Period (1990); Struggle for the Spirit: Religious Transformation and Popular Culture in Brazil and Latin America (1996); (with Batia Siebzehner) Remaking Israeli Judaism (2006); The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Latin America (2016) and The Prism of Race: The Politics and ideology of Affirmative Action in Brazil (2018).


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How to Cite

Beyond decoloniality: a discussion of some key concepts. (2023). Encartes, 6(12), 5-34.