Dar vista: visual dialectics of a street market stall





street vending, tianguis, material culture, visual dialectics, esthetics, working culture, visual anthropology


This photo essay shows the process of dar vista, a vendors’ practice that consists in presenting a stall considering certain aesthetic elements by which crucial communication is convey among different actors of the street market to secure its existence. The essay exposes the importance of the stall materiality and visuality in relation to its aesthetic production, affectivities, and values, which results in a particular visual language of the market. This work is based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted between 2012 and 2013 in collaboration with Route 8, a street market organization part of the Market on Wheels program run by Mexico City’s Secretary of Economic Development.


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Author Biography

  • Frances Paola Garnica Quiñones, Catedras CONACYT El Colegio de San Luis A.C.

    Frances Paola Garnica Quiñones is a research professor and CONACYT chair assigned to El Colegio de San Luis. She holds a master's degree and a PhD in Social Anthropology with Visual Media from the University of Manchester, UK. She currently coordinates the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology (LAVSAN) at El Colegio de San Luis. Her research topics include perception and imaginary of spaces, Chinese migration in San Luis Potosi, uses of peyote from a biocultural territory defense approach and community cinema. She is co-director of the documentary ¡...Y del barrio no me voy! (2019) and has held photographic exhibitions in Mexico and the United Kingdom.


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How to Cite

Dar vista: visual dialectics of a street market stall. (2023). Encartes, 6(12), 175-196. https://doi.org/10.29340/en.v6n12.289