The Border Wall in Tijuana. Photographic Prints of the Art Oblations/Interventions in Memory of the Dead Migrants 1999-2021




Dead migrants, post-ethnography, postphotography, necro-esthetics, street art


Post-ethnography pursues “micro-occurrences” and visual findings that have taken place in Tijuana in the past 28 years. These photographs show an iconography of white crosses, skulls, empty water jugs and cempasúchil flowers. Postphotography helps redimension this ethnographic evidence. Thus, the photo-essay speaks of sociocultural and artistic guerrillas against the strategic oblivion promoted by the governments of the U.S. and Mexico towards the deaths of migrants and the border walls as necro-artefacts in which art, solidarity and memory meet.


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Author Biography

  • Guillermo Alonso Alonso-Meneses, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte

    Guillermo Alonso Meneses is a cultural anthropologist, he received his PhD from the Department of Social Anthropology, History of America and Africa at the University of Barcelona in 1995. Since 1999 he has been a researcher at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, and his thematic interests focus on the anthropology of the contemporary world.


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How to Cite

The Border Wall in Tijuana. Photographic Prints of the Art Oblations/Interventions in Memory of the Dead Migrants 1999-2021. (2022). Encartes, 5(10), 263-277.