Living in and Circulating in Mexico City

Social Representations of Female University Students




social representations, mobility, women, to inhabit


This article presents the results of a qualitative investigation carried out during 2016 and 2017 on 72 young, middle-class women from three public universities in Mexico City. The aim of the study was to know their practices and social representations in their experience of living and circulating in the public interconnection spaces of the city. For this, the starting point is the question of how they represent two of the physical public interconnection spaces they use: The streets they travel along to go to their universities and public transport. But also, the public spaces they travel to: Universities, museums and parks. What is their spatial experience like when moving around in the city? The results display the conditions of insecurity and violence faced by these women in their daily lives and their representations of a city that stalks and neglects them, the city that naturalizes harassment, the city that is unequal for women when it comes to their ways of transportation in, and the representation of, these spaces.


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Author Biography

  • Lorena Umaña Reyes, Univesidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Lorena Umaña Reyes D. in Political and Social Sciences and a Master's degree in Political and Social Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. unam. She is a member of the National System of Researchers, level 1. She is currently full professor-researcher A, at the Center for Sociological Studies of the University of California, Berkeley. fcpys of the unam. He teaches undergraduate courses in Sociology and Urban Planning at the unam and for the graduate program in political and social sciences of the unam. Her most recent publications include, Interdisciplinary Reflections of Gender Citizenship: Women in Mexico City. The chapter "Políticas públicas de la desigualdad: ciudadanía femenina en la Ciudad de México", (2019) in the book Género, transdisciplina e intervención social, coordinated by Fátima Flores Palacios and Amada Rubio (2020) and the chapter "Movimientos sociales feministas, de mujeres y de mujeres y con mujeres en los estudios políticos contemporáneos" in the book Construyendo Ciencia Política en perspectiva de género coordinated by Karolina Gilas and Luz Parcero (2021). Coordinator of the book Transformación urbana y derecho a la ciudad: debates y reflexiones desde la teoría de las representaciones sociales (Urban transformation and the right to the city: debates and reflections from the theory of social representations). Currently coordinates the project papiit "Inhabiting the city: the meanings of the public in the. cdmx en la pandemia y pos pandemia”.


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How to Cite

Living in and Circulating in Mexico City: Social Representations of Female University Students. (2022). Encartes, 5(10), 71-95.