Images of the Conquest in Tlacoachistlahuaca, Guerrero, A Story out of Many…




anthropology of dance, visual anthropology, structural history, amuzgos


The dance that was the object of the images presented in this photographic essay converses with many stories. It all depends on where, when and for who these stories are danced for. For the 17th Century missionaries, its first promoters, this dance was a way to instill and celebrate the arrival of a new religion. However, in the 19th Century, with the Independence, and the later victory of Juarez’s army on the French, that vision of the defeated changed sides and with this, dances also changed. Rural teachers took the place of the missionaries, spearheading a new way to think and present the past; the first pro-indigenous variants began taking the spotlight or they mixed or coexisted with the pro-Spaniard variants.
Thanks to a Casimiro Jiménez, probably from the neighboring state of Oaxaca, one of these pro-indigenous variants began spreading in the Mixtecan-Amuzgan region of the Costa Chica de Guerrero, between 1910 and 1915. My Amuzgan friends loved to rebuild their culture dissemination process, and it is currently the story they most like to tell. The other story, the one told through dance, also makes them proud because, despite their defeat, their ancestors shine for their bravery and their resistance. I hope that people who are knowledgeable and specialist in these topics are able to see, in the photos I present, the echoes of these stories, with surely much more protagonists than those that show up on the screen.


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Author Biography

  • Carlo Bonfiglioli Ugolini, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

    Photographic exhibitions

    Participation in the museographic exhibition (with objects and 22 photography 30x40cm) Las culturas de un Cactus Sagrado. Art and Rituality, Regional Museum of Nayarit. November 2019 - November 2020.


    Photographic exhibition, Danzando agarramos fuerza. 14 images on a Rarámuri concept, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, UNAM, November 14-30, 2018.


    Participation in the exhibition Las Culturas de un Cacto Sagrado, Museo del Desierto, Saltillo, Coahuila.


    Photographic exhibition "Following this medicine that is Onorúame's", National School of Anthropology of Northern Mexico - Ministry of Public Education , National Institute of Anthropology and History, Chihuahua, January 27 - February 10, 2017.


    Participation in the exhibition Las Culturas de un Cacto Sagrado, Museo Regional Potosino, SLP., November 20, 2017 - August 30, 2016.


    Participation in the Festival Cruzando Fronteras with the photographic exhibition "La fuerza del chamán. An anthropologist in the Sierra Tarahumara", Mahahual, QR, February 28 - March 8, 2015.


    Participation in the SI-Fest Off (Savignano Immagini - International Photography Festival) with the photographic exhibition "La forza dello sciamano. Photography and anthropology in northwestern Mexico", Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy, October 3-5, 2014.

    Anthropological text writing for the photographic exhibition La forza dello sciamano. Photography and anthropology in northwestern Mexico , SI-Fest Off, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy, October 3-5, 2014.

    Photography exhibition "Following this medicine that is Onorúame's. Photographs of a rarámuri path", Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas - UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, October 4, 2013.


    Other photographic collaborations


    Participation in Artes de México Magazine. Plantas sagradas, 2017, December, number 127: 41, with a photograph about rarámuri shamanism.


Bonfiglioli, Carlo (2004). La epopeya de Cuauhtémoc en Tlacoachistlahuaca. Un estudio de contexto, texto y sistema en la antropología de la danza. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

Foster, George, M. (1962). Cultura y conquista. La herencia española de América. Xalapa: Universidad Veracruzana.

García, Rosario (1995). Danza de la Pluma o de la Conquista en Zaachila, Oaxaca [tesis de maestría]. México: Escuela Nacional de Danza Folklórica / Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes / Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.

Jáuregui, Jesús y Carlo Bonfiglioli (coord.) (1996). Las danzas de conquista i. México contemporáneo. México: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes / Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Loubat, Joseph-Florimond duque de (1902). “Letra de la Danza de la Pluma de Moctezuma y Hernán Cortés con los capitanes y reyes que intervinieron en la Conquista de México”. Congrès International des Américanistes, núm. 1, pp. 221-261.

McAfee, Byron (1952). “Danza de la Gran Conquista”. Tlalocan. A Journal of Source Materials on the Native Cultures of Mexico, vol. 3, núm. 3, DOI:

pp. 246-273. DOI:

Ricard, Robert (1932). “Contribution a l’étude des fêtes de Moros y Cristianos au Mexique”. Journal de la Société des Américanistes, vol. 24, núm. 1, pp. 51-84. DOI:

Turner, Victor (1981) [1976]. “Prólogo”, en Ronald L. Grimes, Símbolo y conquista. Rituales y teatro en Santa Fe, Nuevo Mexico. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, pp. 9-11.

Val Julián, Carmen (1985). Vies posthumes de Moctezuma II [tesis de doctorado]. París: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.

Val Julián, Carmen (1991). “Danses de la Conquête: une mémoire indienne de l’histoire?”, en Alain Breton, Jean-Pierre Berthe y Sylvie Lecoin (ed.), Vingt études sur le Mexique et le Guatemala réunies à la mémoire de Nicole Percheron. Tolosa: Centre d’Etudes Mexicaines et Centramericaines / Presses Universitaires du Mirail, pp. 253-266.

Warman, Arturo (1968). La Danza de Moros y Cristianos. Un estudio de aculturación [tesis de Maestría en Ciencias Antropológicas]. México: Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia.



How to Cite

Images of the Conquest in Tlacoachistlahuaca, Guerrero, A Story out of Many…. (2021). Encartes, 4(8), 309-322.