The Siona People of Ecuador, Their Monetization Process and Other Future Uncertainties

Analysis of an Economy of Gathering




Siona nationality, monetarization process, collection economy, economic futures


This article analyzes the monetization process of the Siona people of the Ecuadorian Amazon, their economy of gathering and their uncertainties regarding the future. With a three-year ethnographical study in the Soto Tsiaya community on the Aguarico river, we state that the Sionas anticipate their economic future at a very short term, since they live in an economy of gathering that helps them subsist on a day-to-day basis. In addition, requests-gatherings take place in their territory that are a part of a historical colonial monetization and extraction process, as well as vital exchanges from the interrelation of the Sionas with non-humans, that is, their feeling and living in their cosmos, where spiritual relations are reproduced for their subsistence. Beyond a future in which economic accumulation is a priority, their uncertainties for the future reflect the concerns over their identity and cultural changes, as well as the importance of protecting their territory, since it is the manifestation of their being, thoughts, practices, memory, spiritualities and economy.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Fernanda Solórzano, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social

    Maria Fernanda Solórzano Granada She has a doctorate in Social Sciences with a specialization in Social Anthropology from the Center for Research in Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS-Occidente); Master in Social Sciences with a focus on Sustainable Development from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL); Degree in Social Communication for Development from the Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador. He has addressed different social problems associated with indigenous youth identities and politicity and their relationship with the territory, extractivism and developmentalism in Amazonian territories of Ecuador. She has experience in collaborative research work with indigenous girls, boys and young people in the Sierra and Ecuadorian Amazon. She currently works as a specialist technician with the Organization of the Siona Indigenous Nationality of Ecuador (ONISE) for the Update of the Life Plan.


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How to Cite

The Siona People of Ecuador, Their Monetization Process and Other Future Uncertainties: Analysis of an Economy of Gathering. (2021). Encartes, 4(7), 86-110.