Getting Along, Resisting and Adjusting

Negotiations in Couples to Maneuver Through Debts Until Payday




debt, young adults, financial practices, financialization of everyday life


In a context of rising costs of living and stagnating wages, debt in Chilean households has soared to unprecedented levels. In this context, this article explores the economic arrangements made by young adult couples in a context of high economic pressure caused by debt. We understand that couples build, discuss and negotiate the acquisition, uses and strategies of debt payments. For this purpose, from the analysis of 34 semi-structured interviews to young couples in debt, we explore three types of negotiations: (i) those which attempt to match previous inheritances or financial knowledge; (ii) the financial resistance strategies that couples assume to support themselves economically; (iii) adjustments to future projects that couples make based on the payment projections of the commitments they have assumed.


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Author Biography

  • Lorena Pérez-Roa, Universidad de Chile

    Lorena Pérez-Roa She is an assistant professor of Social Work at the University of Chile and an associate researcher for the Chilean Millennium Initiative on Authority and Asymmetries of Power. She has a doctorate in Human Sciences from the University of Montreal, a master's degree in Anthropology from the University of Chile and a degree in Social Work from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His research focuses on socioeconomic relationships, household financial practices, and the financialization of everyday life.


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How to Cite

Getting Along, Resisting and Adjusting: Negotiations in Couples to Maneuver Through Debts Until Payday. (2021). Encartes, 4(7), 29-55.