The Shadows of Futures Gone By

Social Reconfigurations of Hope in Deindustrialized City of Errenteria, Basque Country




hope, structural adjustment, uncertainty, prosperity, deindustrialization, temporality


Errenteria has historically been one of the main industrial cities in the Basque Country, which helped it reach full employment levels and job stability in the sixties and seventies, particularly regarding male industrial jobs, up until the mid-seventies, when the transition governments began restructuring industries, allegedly to prepare for the entry into the European Economic Community and for the challenge of a free market. The loss of thousands of jobs was followed by a deregularization of the labor market, which led to a great decrease in the standards of living, which was intensified by the financial crisis of 2008 and austerity policies. This article aims to show how, for the younger generations of this city, past futures keep casting shadows on the ways of viewing a future marked by an increasing uncertainty. In this sense, I discuss the common sense of “going backwards”, pointing out that going backwards seems to allude, not only to the crumbling of the achievements of past generations, but also to a confusing reconfiguration of what they can now expect of the future.


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Author Biography

  • Uzuri Aboitiz, Universidad de Barcelona

    Uzuri Aboitiz She is a contracted predoctoral researcher (2016-2019) in Society and Culture, a field of Anthropology associated with the Group for Reciprocity Studies of the University of Barcelona. He has carried out a research stay in the 2018-2019 academic year at CIESAS Occidente, under the umbrella of the International Seminar on Anthropology and Money (ADE), associated with the same center and with the Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion (IMTFI). In her doctoral research, she studies the reconfiguration of the frameworks of meaning and of the practices when it comes to moving life forward and building life projects that occurred in the transition from a Keynesian Fordist state to a neoliberal one.


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How to Cite

The Shadows of Futures Gone By: Social Reconfigurations of Hope in Deindustrialized City of Errenteria, Basque Country. (2021). Encartes, 4(7), 56-85.