Centrality of the Senses

A Blind Subject’s Movements Through Downtown Mexico City





senses’ social uses, public space, urban centrality, social narratives, physical and social distances


The field of sensory studies is an academic discipline still under development; that said, a number of contributions from several social sciences have begun to configure a body of relevant knowledge. When we imagine city life as a sensory experience a number of questions arise with regard to the preponderance of one sense over the others, or indeed, with regard to the way the senses are socially structured; these in turn give rise to questions about differentiation in senses’ use and signification. The present text explores this thematic based on an in-depth interview and outings with a blind person in downtown Mexico City. From this testimony we discover the importance of the sensible world in which the movements take place. Orientation strategies, sensible memory and creating sequential mental maps are key to movement, as are textures, smells and sounds. We can therefore believe in the existence of a sensory order upon which outings and interactions are structured. Narratives of getting around are also important to the degree that they lend form to experience, make it communicable and define their narrator.


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Author Biography

  • Miguel Ángel Aguilar Díaz, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Departamento de Sociología

    Miguel Angel Aguilar Diaz is a research professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, Department of Sociology. Doctor in Anthropological Sciences from the UAM-I. At this same university, he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Social Psychology and postgraduate degrees in Anthropological Sciences. National Researcher (level 1). His research topics are located around mobility, corporality and urban practices.


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How to Cite

Centrality of the Senses: A Blind Subject’s Movements Through Downtown Mexico City. (2020). Encartes, 3(5), 29-55. https://doi.org/10.29340/en.v3n5.136