Religion and immigration

the “Lord of the Miracles” in Rome




The Lord of Miracles, Popular Devotion, Perú, immigration


A documentary focused on the cult of the Crucified Christ, known to a Peruvian community living in Italy as the “Lord of the Miracles.” History of this devotion stretches back to 1651, in the outskirts of Lima (known as La Ciudad de los Reyes –“the city of kings”– in viceregal Peru).

Today this image of the Christ –originally painted by an Angolan slave– is venerated throughout October in Peru as well as in every nation where Peruvian immigrant communities have formed around the so-called “Brotherhood of the Lord of the Miracles.” Rome’s is considered the most significant such community because of its presence in the Eternal City and its proximity to Saint Peter’s successors.

The video documentary presents the history, religious ways and lived anthropology of an immigrant community in diaspora. We seek to express the meaning the cult holds among the faithful, according to what its prominent members have described and lived. We observe the religious observances’ character, their various key moments and the social as well as symbolic importance they hold for Peruvian immigrant communities in Italy’s capital city.


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Author Biography

  • Verónica Emilia Roldán, Università Roma Tre

    Verónica Roldán holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research Methodology and teaches at the University Roma Tre and Unitelma-Sapienza, Italy. She is a founding member of the Association of Social Scientists of Religion of Mercosur and of the Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities (ASUS) of Rome. His works include Francis. The impact of his pontificate in Latin America (Biblos 2017, compiled with A. Frigerio); Religione e spazio pubblico in America Latina e Italia (Borla 2015); Immigration and inclusion in Italy. The case of the city of Rome (Biblos 2012); Valori, cultura e religioni. Processi di globalizzazione e mutamento sociale (Franco Angeli 2011); Il rinnovamento carismatico cattolico. Uno studio comparativo Argentina-Italia (Franco Angeli 2009). She is the author and director of the documentary "The Lord of Miracles in Rome", in collaboration with the Roberto Rossellini Film Institute of Rome.


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How to Cite

Religion and immigration: the “Lord of the Miracles” in Rome. (2018). Encartes, 1(1), 140-151.