Presentation of the dossier




dossier presentation, resist, dehumanization, Mexico


Mothers who search for traces of their children in vacant lots. Journalists who have nightmares in which they are executed by high-powered weapons. Young people who testify for the recognition of forced disappearances in Mexico before international actors. Human rights activists who keep track of the invisible victims of the so-called war on drugs, i.e. displaced persons. These themes make up the four texts in this dossier, which were written by women who move between academia and activism. They expose the dehumanization of militarist discourse and actions, illuminate the meanings of those who suffer and resist such circumstances, and show the cruel way in which Mexican society has been hit by the militarization of public security.


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Author Biography

  • Séverine Durin, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social

    Severine durin Franco-Mexican (Paris, 1972). She is an economist and anthropologist, professor-researcher at CIESAS-Noreste since 2003. Her main line of research focuses on the intersection between migration, gender and ethnicity. Since 2004 he has headed several research projects on indigenous people in the Monterrey metropolitan area and domestic workers in Latin America, with the support of the National Council for Science and Technology and at the request of the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples. In 2011 and 2012, he participated in the development of a legal framework on indigenous rights in Nuevo León. Since 2015, she has been investigating the relationship between public security, human rights and forced displacement. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (Level 2) and of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (Humanities Section).


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