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Author Guidelines

In addition to the above requirements, articles must comply with their respective sections’ requirements.

Temáticas antropológicas

A designated scholar oversees this issues-related section and it will be published in rotation with “Coloquios interdisciplinarios” (see below). It will contain a maximum of five articles by specialists in that issue’s particular area of interest. All submissions are to be judged in double-blind peer review. 

  • Every article in this section must include:
    1. Its title in Spanish and English;
    2. A summary not to exceed 800 characters (including spaces) that describes its principal thesis, the research methodology used and the article’s principal arguments;
    3. No fewer than five key words in Spanish and English;
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet journal requirements.
  • Articles must not exceed 54,000 characters (including spaces) and are to be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.

Coloquios interdisciplinarios

This section features academic essays that debate a specific issue the journal chooses. A specialist is invited to publish an article, theoretical or methodological essay and four to six specialists from different disciplines or perspectives are invited to comment, discuss, debate or expand the original essay. The “Coloquios interdisciplinarios” section proposes a new protocol for evaluation and judgment based on (non-blind) public, academic discussion and debate. The “Coloquios” section will be published in rotation with “Temáticas antropológicas.”

  • The main essay is not to exceed 54,000 characters (including spaces) and must contain:
    1. Its title in Spanish and English;
    2. A summary in Spanish and English, not to exceed 800 characters (including spaces);
    3. A minimum of five key words in Spanish and English;
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the journal’s overall requirements.
  • Comments to the main essay must not exceed 54,000 characters (including spaces) and must contain:
    1. Their titles, in Spanish and English;
    2. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the journal’s overall requirements.
  • All texts are to be submitted double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.

Realidades antropológicas

This section features original articles that have no relationship with any unifying theme. Their content is miscellaneous and functions independently of themed proposals and interdisciplinary dialogues. All work will be submitted to a double-blind peer review.

  • This section’s articles must contain:
    1. Their titles in Spanish and English;
    2. A summary in Spanish and English that must not exceed 800 characters (with spaces) that describes their principal theses, the research methodology used and the articles’ central arguments;
    3. A minimum of five key words in Spanish and English;
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the journal’s overall requirements.
  • Articles must not exceed 54,000 characters (with spaces), will be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.


In this occasional section, the Editorial Coordination Team will propose a current issue of public interest to be debated by distinguished guest academics who are specialists in the field and will respond to a series of questions that allow them to adopt a position in light of situations and situational realities that lie at the heart of anthropologists’ and social-scientists’ reflections, debates and positions. The section will feature:

  • An introduction to the issue in question, written by a Team member or guest researcher.
  • The questions around which the debate will focus.
  • Guest academics’ short-format responses (approximately 120 words each).
  • The responses or comments readers eventually bring to the debate.

Reseñas críticas

This section includes short essays and critiques of interest to the social sciences and includes reviews of an author’s complete work or of movements that are pertinent to the journal, alongside book, article, ethnographic video, anthropology-related film, art-show, degree-thesis and performance reviews. Reviews corresponding to books published more than two years previously cannot be accepted.

  • Reviews must include complete bibliographic references and a cover image of the reviewed publication in JPG or TIFF format, at minimum 300 dpi resolution.
  • Articles must not exceed 20,000 characters (with spaces) and must be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.

Encartes Multimedia

This section exists for publishing different multimedia research materials. It will be published occasionally, subject to the availability of received material that may be considered relevant. Visual ethnographies/multimedia reportage with strong field-work support that leverages social-science frames-of-reference, photo essays, documentary/ethnographic videos, poetry, life stories and oral archives will be accepted. Unlike articles in other sections, here emphasis is to fall on audiovisual media as research material. All work is to be submitted to a double-blind peer review.

  • Every audiovisual documentary, photo collection or audio testimony, interactive map, etc., that appears in the section will include a 20,000-25,000-character (including spaces, double-spaced and set in Times New Roman) research contextualization (similar to a research protocol). The text must comply with journal requirements as regard notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references.
  • In all cases, should audiovisual or graphic materials be favorably judged, a rights-release letter is to be signed in order for them to be published in the journal’s proprietary media (webpage, Flickr, Vimeo, etc.).
  • Materials are to be submitted in two versions, one with complete credits (for future publication) and another, unattributed version that makes no specific reference to author or authors. The materials will be submitted to the section editor who will verify they comply with requirements. They will be subsequently handed over to the Editorial Coordination Team.
  • Visual ethnographies/multimedia reportage may have running times not to exceed 30 minutes, to be presented in the following formats: .MPEG2 or 4, .AVI, .MOV or .MP4. Minimum resolution must be 1280 x 720. Contextualization must include:
    1. The video’s complete technical information, including the names of the main production team and its director(s’) names, the production period, the video’s format and running time. Technical curation is not to be included in word count.
    2. Links to videos on YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Photo essays are to feature from twenty to fifty 300-dpi resolution photographs accompanied by technical information (artist, place, date, situation and subjects). Respective photo captions should include the photos’ titles and field-diary excerpts, quotes from interviews or any other text that may orient those images’ readings in accordance with how the author wishes those readings to be made.
  • Audiovisual performance documentations, regardless of their running times, must include the following in their contextualization:
    1. The documentation’s complete technical information, including the directors’ and principal production team’s names, production dates, the documentation format and running time. Technical information will not be included in the word-count.
    2. A link to the video on YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Life stories, poetry and oral archives are to include technical information that states the artwork’s title, its author’s name and the time and place of its documentation. Technical information will not be included in the word-count.


This section features interviews with researchers and social actors whom the Editorial Coordination Team deems to be of interest to the academic community. This section will be published on occasion. Written interview length must be between 1200 and 2400 words. Videos are to run from twenty to thirty minutes.

Copyright Disclosure

Authors reserve copyrights and grant the journal a right to original publication; work registry will include Creative Commons’s attribution license, allowing third-parties to use published materials provided they cite their authorship and their original publication in Encartes.

Authors may enter into other, independent and supplementary contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article Encartes originally publishes (e.g., including it in an institutional archive or publishing it as part of a book) provided they clearly state the work was originally published in Encartes.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission must never have been previously published nor submitted for consideration by any other journal. In the latter case, an explanation must be provided in the “comments to editors” section.
  • The file must be presented in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
  • The magazine will only publish texts and materials in Spanish.
  • All articles will include the Spanish- and English-language titles as well as notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet magazine requirements. Depending on the section in which it may appear, the article should include a summary and (at least five) key words in Spanish and English.
  • The text is to be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman. Italics will be used in place of underscoring (except in the case of URL addresses). Footnotes and other such references, as well as all illustrations, figures and tables, are to be placed at the appropriate place in the text and not at its conclusion.
  • Texts will conform to the length-, style- and bibliographic requirements of the section to which they are submitted.
  • Wherever possible, URL addresses for references are to be provided.
  • In-text citations are to take the following form (Sámano, 1982: 181).
  • It will be the author’s responsibility to guarantee bibliographic information is complete (year and city of publication, publisher), presented in alphabetical order and in compliance to APA style; otherwise the article will be rejected.
  • If the article includes tables or graphs, authors must mention their source and ensure this information is clear. Authors are to specify the precise place where tables and graphs are to appear on pages, using the following format: (entra cuadro 1 o gráfica X).
  • If authors wish to supplement their texts with photographs, maps, plans, figures or color-plates, they must be sure to have secured their creators’ use-authorization. Such files are to be submitted in .jpg or .tiff formats at minimum 300 dpi resolution and must include titles and sources as part of their captions (author, place, date).
  • All audiovisual materials are to be submitted in .MPEG2 or 4, .AVI, .MOV or .MP4 at minimum 1280 x 720 resolution. The accepted audiovisual or textual materials will ideally by published via the magazine’s proprietary media (i.e., its webpage, Flickr, Vimeo, etc.).
  • If the materials receive a positive evaluation, the magazine will issue a rights-release letter authors must sign. All authors are to sign the document in cases of co-authorship.
  • Bibliographic references are to be made in APA style and will contain complete information under the author’s name, alphabetized as follows: Chodorow, Nancy (1984). El ejercicio de la maternidad. Barcelona: Gedisa. Hall, Stuart (1990). “Cultural Identity and Diaspora”, en Jonathan Rutherford, Identity: Community, Cultural, Difference. Londres: Lawrence & Wishart, pp. 222-237. Wade, Peter (2014). “Raza, ciencia, sociedad”, en Interdisciplina, vol. 2, núm. 4, pp. 35-62.
  • The submission will consist of two text or materials-to-be-published files: 1) One will contain author information that includes the author’s name, the institution where the author works and a brief mini-bio (biographical information not to exceed ten lines) as well as the author’s address, telephone number and e-mail address. In the case of co-authorship, all other authors’ information is to be provided; 2) The other file will be anonymous. It must not contain names or specific references to its author(s) and is to avoid citations or references to works by any such authors, so it cannot be recognized during the double-blind peer review.

Coloquios interdisciplinarios

This section features academic essays that debate a specific issue the journal chooses. A specialist is invited to publish an article, theoretical or methodological essay and four to six specialists from different disciplines or perspectives are invited to comment, discuss, debate or expand the original essay. The “Coloquios interdisciplinarios” section proposes a new protocol for evaluation and judgment based on (non-blind) public, academic discussion and debate. The “Coloquios” section will be published in rotation with “Temáticas antropológicas.”

  • The main essay is not to exceed 54,000 characters (including spaces) and must contain:
    1. Its title in Spanish and English;
    2. A summary in Spanish and English, not to exceed 800 characters (including spaces);
    3. A minimum of five key words in Spanish and English;
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the journal’s overall requirements.
  • Comments to the main essay must not exceed 54,000 characters (including spaces) and must contain:
    1. Their titles, in Spanish and English;
    2. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the journal’s overall requirements.
  • All texts are to be submitted double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.



A designated scholar oversees this issues-related section and it will be published in rotation with “Coloquios interdisciplinarios” (see below). It will contain a maximum of five articles by specialists in that issue’s particular area of interest. All submissions are to be judged in double-blind peer review.

  • Every article in this section must include:
    1. Its title in Spanish and English;
    2. A summary not to exceed 800 characters (including spaces) that describes its principal thesis, the research methodology used and the article’s principal arguments;
    3. No fewer than five key words in Spanish and English;
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet journal requirements.
  • Articles must not exceed 54,000 characters (including spaces) and are to be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.

Realidades socioculturales

This section features original articles that have no relationship with any unifying theme. Their content is miscellaneous and functions independently of themed proposals and interdisciplinary dialogues. All work will be submitted to a double-blind peer review.

  • This section’s articles must contain:
    1. Their titles in Spanish and English;
    2. A summary in Spanish and English that must not exceed 800 characters (with spaces) that describes their principal theses, the research methodology used and the articles’ central arguments;
    3. A minimum of five key words in Spanish and English;
    4. Notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references that meet the journal’s overall requirements.
  • Articles must not exceed 54,000 characters (with spaces), will be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.


This section features interviews with researchers and social actors whom the Editorial Coordination Team deems to be of interest to the academic community. This section will be published on occasion. Written interview length must be between 1200 and 2400 words. Videos are to run from twenty to thirty minutes.

Encartes Multimedia

This section exists for publishing different multimedia research materials. It will be published occasionally, subject to the availability of received material that may be considered relevant. Visual ethnographies/multimedia reportage with strong field-work support that leverages social-science frames-of-reference, photo essays, documentary/ethnographic videos, poetry, life stories and oral archives will be accepted. Unlike articles in other sections, here emphasis is to fall on audiovisual media as research material. All work is to be submitted to a double-blind peer review.

  • Every audiovisual documentary, photo collection or audio testimony, interactive map, etc., that appears in the section will include a 20,000-25,000-character (including spaces, double-spaced and set in Times New Roman) research contextualization (similar to a research protocol). The text must comply with journal requirements as regard notes, citations, tables, graphs and bibliographic references.
  • In all cases, should audiovisual or graphic materials be favorably judged, a rights-release letter is to be signed in order for them to be published in the journal’s proprietary media (webpage, Flickr, Vimeo, etc.).
  • Materials are to be submitted in two versions, one with complete credits (for future publication) and another, unattributed version that makes no specific reference to author or authors. The materials will be submitted to the section editor who will verify they comply with requirements. They will be subsequently handed over to the Editorial Coordination Team.
  • Visual ethnographies/multimedia reportage may have running times not to exceed 30 minutes, to be presented in the following formats: .MPEG2 or 4, .AVI, .MOV or .MP4. Minimum resolution must be 1280 x 720. Contextualization must include:
    1. The video’s complete technical information, including the names of the main production team and its director(s’) names, the production period, the video’s format and running time. Technical curation is not to be included in word count.
    2. Links to videos on YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Photo essays are to feature from twenty to fifty 300-dpi resolution photographs accompanied by technical information (artist, place, date, situation and subjects). Respective photo captions should include the photos’ titles and field-diary excerpts, quotes from interviews or any other text that may orient those images’ readings in accordance with how the author wishes those readings to be made.
  • Audiovisual performance documentations, regardless of their running times, must include the following in their contextualization:
    1. The documentation’s complete technical information, including the directors’ and principal production team’s names, production dates, the documentation format and running time. Technical information will not be included in the word-count.
    2. A link to the video on YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Life stories, poetry and oral archives are to include technical information that states the artwork’s title, its author’s name and the time and place of its documentation. Technical information will not be included in the word-count.

Reseñas críticas

This section includes short essays and critiques of interest to the social sciences and includes reviews of an author’s complete work or of movements that are pertinent to the journal, alongside book, article, ethnographic video, anthropology-related film, art-show, degree-thesis and performance reviews. Reviews corresponding to books published more than two years previously cannot be accepted.

  • Reviews must include complete bibliographic references and a cover image of the reviewed publication in JPG or TIFF format, at minimum 300 dpi resolution.
  • Articles must not exceed 20,000 characters (with spaces) and must be double-spaced and set in 12-point Times New Roman.


In this occasional section, the Editorial Coordination Team will propose a current issue of public interest to be debated by distinguished guest academics who are specialists in the field and will respond to a series of questions that allow them to adopt a position in light of situations and situational realities that lie at the heart of anthropologists’ and social-scientists’ reflections, debates and positions. The section will feature:

  • An introduction to the issue in question, written by a Team member or guest researcher.
  • The questions around which the debate will focus.
  • Guest academics’ short-format responses (approximately 120 words each).
  • The responses or comments readers eventually bring to the debate.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth herein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.